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It matters who owns the property! Be sure to ask as many questions asearly in the process as possible, as this will help head offmisunderstandings and potential pitfalls later in the closing process.Any of these scenarios can cause problems with your deal:Parties that are...

Property owners die, and their affairs are not always in order. If youare dealing with a deceased titleholder, here are some basic terms toknow:Testate: when one dies and leaves a last will and testamentIntestate: when one dies without a willExecutor/Executrix: the person named in a...

A quick refresher - these are just a few of the ethics rules thatshould be top-of-mind for all licensees: Make only truthful and objective statements.2. Avoid the unauthorized practice of law.3. Participate in professional standards enforcement.4. Keep client funds in separate escrow accounts.5. Receive compensation...